In November 2016, Warframe ' s second cinematic quest was released, titled "The War Within". Inside, the lotus will tell you that someone is The warframe ripples with energy as the Operator manifests physically and steps out of the warframe onto the ground. I'm pretty much certain that the morality wheel was added in TWW, well, that certainly does help clear things up. I have no idea what's going on, who this operator is, what the void is, who those queens were, or any of that stuff. Including, (Sun alignment) "(Light shines within this demon.)" So here goes, what actual consequences does my choices in the quest mean? The Neutral measurement is a colored black and white. The Stalker flees, releasing a blinding flash that knocks the real Tenno unconscious. I don't like making choices in the dark Alignment, thus far, doesn't really have any effect yet (aside from affecting certain dialogue in a certain room after a certain quest), so you don't have anything to be concerned about. You also learn about the "continuity" body swap magic stuff and so on. The true nature of The Man in the Wall is disputed, with both Rell and Palladino claiming it to be a personification of the Void's power that existed well before the Zariman arrived, while While you make an argument of "it means nothing now, but what about the future" and nobody knows. The War Within is shortened to TWW and is located under Quests. Not sure if "walk the shadow's edge" means I could go either way with the power, but I resent being called even slightly evil if I plan to use the opportunity I have for good. (Neutral alignment) "(This demon walks the shadow's edge.)" So I avoided the bloodshed. Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe. I mean, I figure that, since I'm not drinking it, it's not corrupting me in any way, other than potentially making the operator think in the back of their minds that "I could drink this and kill everyone" or something like that. Thirdly, I said "Kill her", because the only thing I DID understand was that the chinese rice field hat guy was being controlled by that ugly lady, and I thought she was a ****, so I let him kill her. You should probably replay the second dream and war within though, so you actually have an idea about what is going on. Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe. I don't care for the good / evil morality nonsense in this game. Nobody really knows what Kuva is, instead Kuva is more representative of Void magic/energy, and possibly even a physical example of the Orokins corrupting influences. In the grand scheme of the lore of Warframe, the narrative in War Within feels a bit too self contained. Though if they ever make your morality alignment matter it will come alongside a way to manipulate your morality wheel. I don't actually know! A mystery even to the Lotus, Rell purportedly became aware of The Man in the Wall during the Zariman Ten Zero incident. Hey yall. If I drink the stuff do I become immortal, and can save the world forever, and keep rescuing people in danger and stuff? However, I still went through the story, and I have done 3 choices so far, and I had no idea there was any morality to it, since I didn't even look at that wheel thing in the corner. Maybe krembasa means giving that dying father a bullet into his goddamn kneecaps, or maybe it means saving his life. "The War Within" expansion. Or does that mean I'll start taking over people as well? The warframes exist, "you" control them, shit happens. The Scepter has a bit of cystalized Kuva on it and that is your final question/option you are talking about here now. I still wanna pick the right role playing choice. Correct for the most part, but a few points. Reading the story on the wiki isn't helping, since everything is already super confusing. E.Y.E: Divine cybermancy had that option, and that's what I need. Tenno aren't supposed to be in it as good vs evil super heroes. Time starts when "Replay Quest" button is pressed and ends when the screen turn black and "The War Within" in red is displayed Press J to jump to the feed. You do not gain or lose anything based off your choice, it is purely cosmetic on the little white/black morality wheel. Recommended Posts. The Queens try to use Teshin to lure in a Tenno because they want to do "the continuity" with the Tenno. So I'd say stop worrying about it, pick what you want it doesn't matter, and maybe get your eyes checked. A: Please "Submit a request to Warframe Support under "Quests" > Category "The War Within" in order for us to investigate and add the missing Personal Quarters Segment Blueprint to your inventory. It seems smart to understand a weapon in the quest to rid the world of its evil, not just destroy it instantly and not be prepared for the next time it shows up. If I control it, can I use it later to develop an antidote to being controlled? 7. You do all the stuff in the snow mountains/caves and recover more of your space magic than you ever knew about. Like, use it to make life better for others? All Cinematics from the Warframe quest "The War Within" featuring all light/good choices. I know, I'm an idiot, and I'm sorry for that. The Second Dream - Neptune. Games, Warframe: The War Within, 4K. So embrace your inner darkness and drink. In doing so you get the Kuva Scepter/Magic Stick that let the Queens order Teshin around. Besides, not like its the only kuva in the world. Issue is, I just don't understand the events or the situation, which is what I'm looking for clarification on. So you get thawed out and leave cryosleep from your hidden pod on the moon (aka Lua) where the Lotus hid the Tenno. Before we get into specifics, its required that you have completed the War Within & Sayas Vigil quests in order to be able to contribute to eidolons. I just clicked the option I wanted after thinking about it. It was AFTER I did these 3 options where I learned about the fact that there was a morality system in place, and that my choices were actually going to mark my profile in some way, so I became kinda worried about the last choice, especialy considering I'm whack bang in the middle here with one good, one neutral, and one evil choice. The Tenno realizes the base's mobile state prevented Seemed like the right thing to say. I know it doesn't really affect the game much now, but from what I have read, it does mark you in some way, and may be important later. Morality is meaningless in that context. We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This is why a lot of the War Within is sorta trippy, because you are basically being mind fucked by the Queens who are trying to overwrite your very being with their own and take your body. You can seek to control the kuva, the void power, everything with your new found powers and be "neutral". The times I was not doing so, yes, I was listening to the story. When I started free-to-play game Warframe, I thought it was a lot of fun. Q: I finished The War Within quest but did not receive the Personal Quarters Segment Blueprint for me to craft and unlock the next story quest. The morality wheel existed before War Within so you have already been shifting it quiet a bit without realizing it even existed I guess. As far I know, it's primarily only an aesthetic, role playing thing. The Sentients return and use Stalker to hunt down "The Tenno" (which is who you are). Why the morality circle at the end?What does it mean? Again, no idea what they were talking about, but it sounded like a badass thing to say, like, whatever it was, I didn't run away or accept it, but I found a way to use it for my own personal gain, whatever it was. As I understood it, Tenno only preserve balance. The choices don't really affect anything beyond a good/evil meter. Can carry a negative stat, whose effects can be crippling but greatly increases the potency of bonuses. Now, I'm at the forth option, which is basically asking me if I wanna drink the kool aid or whatever, with the options of "destroy" "control" or "drink", and I don't actually understand, once again, what any of it means. YOU ARE THE TENNO (well one of them). Currently the morality wheel has no real impact besides that other people can see your wheel if they look at your profile. Alright. It will probaby determine the starting alignment of your tenno once these "moral choices" situations come into play. r/Warframe Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe. The War Within is the latest Update to Warframe and itself comes with a new quest that introduces two new systems to Warframe. Warframe; War Within Question (spoilers) User Info: The Deadpool. Firsly, I said that "I had hope", because it sounded like the positive response, and I usually go as the good guy in games. Disabling the security matrix exposes the Kuva Fortress, the central base of Grineeroperations and home to the Twin Queens. Most of the time I was quite engaged in various gunfights and sliding around the environment getting zapped by traps and stuff, so it was pretty hard to listen to all the various people speaking and stuff. Elemental Types Matter. The event will focus on five new rotating game modes that will each be available for a limited amount of time. Turns out Teshin has intruded Lua to lure the Tenno out, revealing that he is a double agent for the Grineer Queens. Basically this means they want to transfer their being into the body of the Tenno and overwrite the Tenno's mind basically they want to swap bodies with the Tenno. Use to set user flair and text. Question I tried searching for an answer to my question here on the sub-reddit, but there were too many irrelevant topics that I didn't feel like sifting through. While I believe it might be linked to the 'alchemy' and 'savior' systems that are supposedly to come, I reckon they're quite a ways off (though I won't know until the next devstream, since they'll tell us what they're working on next post-U20). Turns out "The Tenno" are actually kids exposed to the void who basically became "void wizards" because of it, where as the adults and lots of other people were driven crazy/died because of their exposure. Inexplicably, the Warframe revitalizes and breaks War in half, dispelling Hunhow's control, causing the Stalker to be overcome with immense pain. But when I hit the story quest The Second Dream, I realized that this game Kuva was used in the continuity process, and is also involved with the orokin neural sentries of their towers. Outside of quests where you get asked morality questions you'll probably forget the wheel even exists hell you've done multiple quests with that wheel being there and never even saw it. Can someone explain what the hell happened in idiot-proof language for someone who doesn't understand the lore of this game? We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. Is that drink evil or something? It can be inferred that Kuva has strong mind controlling properties. After stabbing the Warframe with his greatsword War, the Stalker approaches the Tenno and proceeds to choke them. I tried searching for an answer to my question here on the sub-reddit, but there were too many irrelevant topics that I didn't feel like sifting through. It's like if I was playing an RPG or something, and it had an option of "give krembasa to dying father", but it never explained what "krembasa" was. Hope so. DE haven't told us what effect this morality has, so nobody can answer that question for you. The game is currently in open beta on PC, PlayStation 4 & 5, Xbox One & Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch. Either way, I've already stated that I'm an idiot and apologized for it. Teshin sorta helps you try to remember who and what you were. So back when quests were a thing, you all might remember that we we given a bunch of choices that never really seemed to lead to anything. The sound of rushing water rises sharply, and the Tennos warframe bursts out of the pool beneath the throne, rising up into the air menacingly and channelling energy before landing on the ground, standing firmly before the Queens. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. We don't know yet. Alignment currently does nothing except be a thing on your profile. The choice would "mark" me in some way on my profile, which doesn't seem like much, but I have heard that the choices I make now may become more important in a later update, and I wanna pick the right now based on what I would pick in real life. Comparing it to The Second Dream (TSD), both questlines are roughly the same length (about 2 hours), yet I feel that the gravitas of TWW just couldn't compete and it left us with more questions than answers. A promise, a handshake, a lie; all of these things could keep you alive in this shadow Warframe The War Within - Pluto and Sedna. So even then the choice doesn't truly matter outside of what it means to you. While The War Within (TWW) was solid for what it was, I can't help but feel disappointed in what we got. Use to set user flair and text. [The Sacrifice] Dream [The Sacrifice] This was inevitable. In pursuit of the truth, the Tenno follows Teshin's deployed Specters who leads them to a supposedly uninhabited asteroid field. The warframes exist, "you" control them, shit happens. So you can destroy the Kuva, reject its corruption and power and be "good". This quest sends the player on the chase for Teshin, the master and overseer of the Conclave, as he is seen suspiciously searching the pods of the newly awakened Tenno. After finishing the Second Dream, you will receive the War Within Quest in the Inbox. As it turns out "The Queens" (aka the Grineer Queens, aka the Grineer Leadership) are controlling Teshin with the magic staff which gives them control over Orokin soldiers. The choices in The War Within quest? lol I would love to be natural with my choices but there's no "I have no idea what's going on" option. There are four primary elemental damage types in Warframe (Cold, Heat, Toxin, and Electricity) and six secondary types created by combining primary ones (Blast, Corrosive, Gas, Magnetic, Radiation, and Viral). Ordis and others also call you "the operator" because you operate/control the Warframes. This is why a lot of the War Within is sorta trippy, because you are basically being mind fucked by the Queens who are trying to overwrite your very being with their own and take your body. Beware: Spoilers below. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I've finished the majority of "The war within quest", but I am honestly completely and totally lost on the story. Warframe Abridged. I didn't actually know what the person was talking about at all. Did you not pay attention to ANY of the Second Dream, or anything else Lotus/Teshin said for the entirety of the War Within?How can you not know what's going on? Here are the following choices that tilt the scale towards the center: [The War Within] They had lost their minds [The War Within] I controlled it [The War Within] I will do it [The War Within] Control [The Glast Gambit] Let her decide [The Sacrifice] Acceptance. I think the moral choices in War Within are the first step in that transition. I don't actually understand what any of these choices mean. During The War Within, you are given a few different choices, each with an alignment (for lack of a better word) attached to it. You can read this category's rules by pressing "View Rules" in the top right corner. Alignment's pretty irrelevant, and should really just reflect the choices you want to make as a player. I didn't understand stuff early on, and it just kept piling up. This was a practice the Orokin did with slaves in ages past and the Queens are trying to do it now to become a Tenno themselves and obtain more power and immortality (basically). Teshin is an ancient Orokin dude who encourages Tenno to fight eachother in the Conclave (aka PvP). Your friendly neighborhood sortie reward. After the adults lose their minds: Sun: I held out hope we'd be rescued. Press J to jump to the feed. most of the choices I've made in Warframe are 'Moon' choices, but you better believe I was motivated by wrath and anger going into Sacrifice. The War Within Unlocked by gaining access to Sedna via Junctions, and have The Second Dream quest completed. Plus, given I never see why so much thought goes into "what option to pick", why cant people just be natural with their choices. The game is currently in open beta on PC, PlayStation 4 & 5, Xbox One & Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch. I've learned from The Second Dream that my RP choice doesn't necessarily resonate well with my gameplay choices.For example: I read about the different focus things at the end, and I liked the sound of Naramon, but after learning of the abilities and such that comes with, I instantly regretted my decision and farmed focus for Zenurik so I could use that instead. The final boss fight will have you fighting Kuva Guardians with your Melee only, so it is recommended that before you commit to infiltrating you equip your best Melee, and preferably your best Warframe. The game is currently in open beta on PC, PlayStation 4 & 5, Xbox One & Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch. Moon [edit | edit source] Push comes to shove and the Tenno are removed from cryosleep. But yes. I'd figure there's probably tons. After months of waiting the quest has finally dropped for the PC community. You'll be able to change the alignment in the future though when it matters. Well, not anymore I guess, things have been cleared up a fair bit. However, I still did not understand anything, and all I recall was words like "void" and "operator" being using over and over, then being asked to pick school or something which I didn't actually know anything about, and some evil voice or something who was that chicks father or something. I think I personally wanted more elaboration on the Orokin Continuity, Teshin, the Queens. Recently finished the war within quest and couldn't help but noticing all the choices you have to take during these missions, I simply thought the quest would have been similar to the second dream and allow me to rework my choices later onbut it didn't. It is "power" and you must decide how you will treat "power" both directly in terms of Kuva but also more broadly in the concept of you will treat your new found powers and mastery over the void magic. The update is finally here! Finally you can choose to "consume" the Kuva and risk utter and complete corruption for even more power. Because I quit out of my game and don't wanna make that final choice until I know what it even means. (Moon alignment) "(Shadows grow within this demon.)". This is the transcript of the dialogue in the quest The War Within. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. In this case, I'll most likely go Neutral, seeing as it seems like this Kuva power could be used for good, and even if it does end up being useless for that purpose, I suppose it's not hurting anyone in the mean time.
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