2 / Fri. 1 (2nd Quarter only) [4] Yutaka WATANABE [5] xqcd2bz Agriculture [1] Introduction to Fisheries Science … Graduate School of Science and Faculty of Science Tohoku University is internationally recognized for its outstanding standards in education and research. In particular, our activities include recording and analysis of resident participation in the disaster affected area, opinion polls of the citizens of Sendai city, flows of the emergency goods, the traffic pattern of the post-disaster days. (concurrently), Assoc. In particular, our research themes include Mathematical System Analysis involving systems, intelligent information sciences involving algorithm and mechanism, Biosystem Information Sciences including Information Biology and Design and Analysis of Information Systems, Image Analysis and Intelligent Control System, which are essential in robot engineering, information sciences associated with vision and auditory senses, and computer sciences associated with information contents and software. To begin with, what framework; spiritual, cognitive, or cultural, would information need be comprehended and propagated? The cooperation part is divided into five sections: Logic for Information Science, Communication Theory, Ultra-highspeed Information Processing Algorithm, Information Security, and Environmental Informatics. Also we are devoted to developing future leaders of those fields. Credits earned at Tohoku University may be transferable to your home university, depending on your school's policies. Development of human resources to create new industries For realizing the fourth industrial revolution and an ultra-smart society (Society 5.0), we must merge real and cyber space in every social dimension to stimulate value addition through innovation. Information processing, controlling of robot movement, image processing, kinetic controlling of life forms are good examples. International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS), Tohoku University 468-1 Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan 980-8572 Phone: +81-22 … This ranking lists all leading computer scientists affiliated with Tohoku University. Departments, courses and related institutes of the School of Engineering, Tohoku University. Second main task of our center is research and development for computational materials science; ⑤ Development and application of superlarge-scale application software for supercomputer, ⑥Development of multi-physics computational science methodology and its application to materials design, ⑦Research on basic theory for multi-scale materials science and its application to materials design, and … It was originally founded as a medical school in 1736. In 2008-2016, he was Director of Cyberscience Center (Supercomputer Center) of Tohoku University. Our research subjects include basis of information sciences such as computer sciences and software sciences, next-generation computational sciences for super-parallel computing and large-scale high-speed computing, and a wide range of applications of information sciences associated with mathematical sciences. What are the solutions to the social problems the information society inevitably poses? As our ubiquitous information society evolves, we are investigating information technology for humans cohabiting with the natural world, robotics, fluid system information sciences, life information sciences, cognitive information sciences, health information sciences at the high academic standard. Recently we have been engaged in reconstructive activities of the earthquake damage of 2011. Those researches have been publicized in the Japanese mass media. by Tohoku University? Distinguished Researcher of Tohoku University (2020-2022) Head Investigator of the project " Fusion of Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics Approaches for Expanding Combinatorial Reconfiguration "
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