You have JavaScript disabled in your browser. Since there is no actual cut leave it alone. Please enable JavaScript to experience this websites full functionality. After waking her one-year-old daughter Lily from a nap, Heather noticed three deep purple scratches that mysteriously appeared on the girl's cheek. Things happen. Amazingly, no one got hurt (happened to both kids as well!) Is there anything on should put on it? Learn more about how to cut your baby's fingernails & how to treat their scratches. P.S. When my daughter was about 6 months old, we were having a hard time getting her to go to sleep on her own. she'll be fine so just give her an extra hug. talk about feeling horrible. That was the first and last time I clipped his nailsand he is 2.5 years old now!!! I believe she rubbed or scratched the scab off prematurely because I don't really even remember seeing one. she had a little dent right at the top of her nose, in between her eyes. I definitely cuddled her immediately after washing it with warm water, and I cried for a while. How do I get rid of scratches on my baby's face? It just makes you feel terrible. ; Dry the wound and cover it with sterile gauze or a clean cloth. Now she has a pink indented scar on her face. Baby scratched on face by another child. ; Use a clean bandage or towel and, if possible, use latex-free gloves to protect yourself and to prevent the wound from getting infected. I felt terrible. Put a Steroid on my NEW baby's face EVERY time we go outside! Soon you will realize that they are mostly indestructible. Therefore, if one of their nails is just a touch too long, or has a sharp corner, before you know it, theres an unsightly scratch on your baby's face to deal with. ! I went hiking and got scratched on my cheek, near my nose. It's about 0.4 or 0.5 mm wide, about 1.5 inches long. I'm just trying to take it day by day, and moment by moment. baby eczema tips: symptoms, causes and treatments. :). It has scabbed over. She's fine! would make me nervous. And yes, I am a new mommy :). In fact, babies even scratch their faces during the day when they are playing or eating. The mother of the girl, a good friend of mine, felt guilty for weeks after that happened. 1. Just apply a clean baby wipe on the cut and apply a little pressure - the bleeding should soon stop. She'll be ok. We wondered if shed scratched herself, but when we put her hands up to Its probably fine though. The good news is that she won't remember this, I promise! Cutting a babys fingernails is easy, said no parent ever. Wellpretty easily actually. Why is my baby scratching their face when upset or at night? My son scratched his face and head to self-sooth. Many parents find its a team effort - one holds the baby still while the other snips, while others swear by doing it at night or after bathing your baby. skin-to-skin: newborns and the first few months. It was awful, he was bleeding and screaming, I was hysterical. Well, cue feeling like a terrible parent. Portsmouth, I hate how people always ask me about how I got my scars on my face. When I went to burp her over my lap, she put her head up, and then that soft area under her chin fell back onto my thumb. Nobody knew what happened. Baby monitors are a great way to tell if a child is asleep or not, or if a little one needs a parent, but along with small children, the babycams can also capture some unexpected things.That's what happened to Heather Brough of Michigan. If you are breastfeeding, put some breastmilk on it. I DROPPED IT ON HER FACE! :). Oh my gosh, don't beat yourself up. Common outdoor rashes: baby grass rash & hives in babies. Have cleaned, put antiseptic cream on cut above eye. Read on for tips and tricks to keep nails short, baby happy and scratches to a minimum. Put some breast milk on it. WaterWipes are an alternative as theyre made from 99.9% water and a drop of fruit extract and are as soft as cotton wool. :(Learn how to raise a 3 month old on SmartMom. leave it be if it helps all of us moms do that and we dont mean to. MommytoEmm. Let me make you feel a little betterthe first time I tried to trim my sons fingernails I clipped off some of the skin on his finger. Don't put anything on it. Suite 317, I promise. Talk about guilt. Trim your babys nails when hes asleep. Should I take him to Doctor or do anything else? My cat scratched my 16 month old daughter two days in a row on her face- just when she was walking by the cat, not trying to provoke or touch her. Sounds like you're a new mom, so you're not there yet! ur cute u also must be first time mommy. Almost like a slice of her skin is missing or gouged out. The worst part is, I had been listening to Carole King's "Child of Mine" when it happened. On the baby camera footage, the parent watched as a ghostly male figure walked past their babys crib in the middle of the night. 155 Fleet Street, ( EN ),, We promise not to send you any junk. Call your child's healthcare provider for help in reporting the attack and to decide if more treatment Children may get minor cuts and wounds to the face while playing, climbing, or during sports activities. My 3 month old has a huge scratch on her face and it bled a little. So, when all of a sudden theres a big bleeding scratch across your baby's face, it can come as a bit of a shock. ; Apply pressure to the wounded area until the bleeding stops. A Michigan couple, Joshua Higgins and Heather Brough, spotted a ghost lurking on their baby's nanny cam who allegedly scratched the little girl in the face. That has happened to my husband twice and me once. Whether its the look of total peace while they sleep or that mischievous grin when theyre doing something adorable but that they shouldn't, their expressions combined with that perfect, soft baby skin is just the best. It is absolutely normal to wake up one morning and find that your baby has scratched her precious face at some point during the night. I was crying, What happened to you? I grabbed her jacket and ran over to my mother-in-laws house. NH 03801 USA. 2) NHS. Thank you everyone for your stories! Products like neosporin and antibiotic cream are not approved for children so young. I was terrified that his little fingers would be mishappen for life, or he would be finger printed for something someday and someone would comment on it and he would say, "My mom mauled me with the finger nail clippers". 4. I have accidentally bumped or banged my 3 kids on SOOO many occasionsjust yesterday I didn't know my 2 year old was right behind me and I elbowed her right in the face. Also, you"ll moisturize your baby"s skin so that the scratches heal faster. Accidents happen, we have to be willing to forgive ourselves. of course, she went nuts. Kristen 4 likes. This is my first! Even though I've heard horror stories of my aunt's oldest daughter falling down the stairs while she nursed her other baby girl, my brother stepping on to the end of the treadmill and scraping his chinI still panic about all of this. 1. things happen. There can be a few reasons why your baby scratches their face. Just wait until you do something seriously wrong, like forgot to lock a gate and she goes flying down stairs. She will be fine i advise noting but if it really bothers u u can put a thin layer of neosporin relax she will be fine.. I had a friend whose can scratched her baby and it damaged (not permanently thank goodness) the baby's eye. First aid for shallow cuts and wounds. Animal bites and scratches, even minor ones, can sometimes lead to complications. Similarly, if you accidentally give their fingers a nip while trimming their nails, try not to panic. This things happens and the guilt is there: aw don't happens to the best of us. Trimming his nails will prevent scarring his face when he attempts to scratch it. we loved them so much .! It will heal and leave no scar and it is safe if she should rub her hands on it. I went to pass my son out the car door to my hubs and lifted him too high and his forehead slammed into the top of the door, I cried longer than he did. awwww, she will be just fine. when my daugher was about the same age i went to cut her finger nails and i cut the very tip of one of her fingers and she bled i felt soo bad i did not want to cut them for the longest time and made my mom do it, no she will be fine, stuff like this will happen all her life , so RELAX and congrats on your new baby. Babies, especially newborns, scratch their faces easily. My husband was just playing with our 2.5yo and accidentally dropped him on his head! 3.,,,,,,, Scratched My 3 Month Old by Accident, Feeling Horrible, Babysitter Accidently Scratched Son's Face, Advice on Clipping Active 14-Month-old's Nails. Heather T 1 like. Anyway, thank you for making me feel relieved! our son started howling and the finger was bleeding.. my hubby is still traumatized and has yet to cut his nails (our son's 20 months old now!). Its a fine art that involves skill, patience and a baby that doesnt move, and therefore, isnt the kind of thing you can quickly do as and when. Couple believe baby was scratched by a ghost after catching it on bubs monitor. Cat scratched my baby- help! If you're breastfeeding, put breastmilk on it. Do this once every week since a babys nails tend to grow fast. my husband was trying to zip it up while she laid in her crib. if the scratch never bled, it will be finethere's nothing to be done. If youre planning to trim his nails during the daytime, get your partner to hold your babys hands while youre at it. If your environment is noisy and loud, this could lead to the baby being very jumpy and reaching out so often which may include suddenly grabbing and scratching you. Keep your hands away from the scratch as it heals. it just happens and is a part of parenting. after using it for about a week, you can barely tell there was even a scratch. It really looks pretty bad, she must have done it a lot because there are quite a few of them on me, like 5 of them. You feel like blurting out It wasn't me! And this will be FAR from the last time you accidentally hurt her! Scar on my baby's face: Hi My 7week old baby has scratched his face with his nails.will this scar go away.What should i do to remove this scar.I cover his hands with mittens all the time.At times he takes them off and hurts himself. I never did anything to the scratches, they healed quickly enough on their own. Do not beat yourself up about itwe all do things like this on accident at some point Just a couple weeks ago my 5 year old had a splinterI told him I could get it out for him, after awhile he agreed to let me try but was very scaredI was trying to use a needle and just when I broke threw the skin he jerked and I sliced a good 1/2 inch slice across his fingertiptalk about feeling like a terrible Mommy! There arent many things more beautiful than our own babys face. If you are ever worried about a cut on your babys skin, speak to your doctor or pharmacist. I'm freaking out! This way, you reduce the risk of the scratches becoming infected due to a microorganism that"s housed in the nails. The vast majority of over the counter liquid bandages contain antiseptic, but you would need to double-check the labels for application directions. 2. Oh gosh, don't feel bad! : ). Last accessed 5th May 2021. Put breast milk below eye and in eye. Gently take the babys hands off your face and partly turn away from him to let him know that what has happened is not acceptable. It probably made the guilt worse. How do I take care of this so it heals fast and doesn't scar. Get the latest on new products and stories from our community. That way, they stay still and you have daylight to work with. The doctors didn't know what it was so they told me to put hydrocortisone on her face every day. Baby skin allergies & skin rashes from teething, nature, food & chemicals, USA / CANADA ( EN ). We've ALL been there and done that. Another quick tip is to try and clip baby's nails while they sleep in the stroller. Scratch above eye and just below. These things happenand will happen again and againit's OKstop beating yourself up about itit's not like you did it on purpose! Ohh..and I zipped my daugher's skin up with her sleeper too. They had to re-home the cat :( Good luck! No worriesone time I was holding my daughter going through a door opening and hit her head on the door happens. It's amazingly healing. I still feel bad about it - but she doesn't. However, there are eight tips that you can try if you want to stop Read More 8 Tips If Your Baby Scratches Her Face Video: Baby was scratched by ghost caught on Share this: A Michigan couple says an odd image caught on video in their babys room is a ghost and that it injured their child. Will your baby's face scratches leave a scar? Neosporin is a great thing to have on hand at all times with kids! I watch her constantly! even though she looks like she's been in a scrappy street fight.. : hi everyone, looking for some advice from those with cat and baby experience. Absolutely NOT! With the three deep scratches on the babys face, it seems it could have been either. They're so much more resilient than we are! my husband tried to clip our baby's nails one day when he was a few months old and accidentally clipped his finger. I know how you feel I scratched my son when he was an infant too. I'd keep it clean and dab some neosporin on it. if its not bleeding i dont think she needs anything on it.. ps. Spooked parents check their babycam after their baby daughter wakes up with three deep scratches on her face - and spot a 'ghostly male' walking past When I went to burp her over my lap, she put her head up, and then that soft area under her chin fell back onto my thumb. What should I do or use to prevent scarring? Um yeah, she stopped smiling immediately, and it was black and blue for days! You didn't do it on purpose! She's probably over it by now. It will clear right up. But remember, if your baby scratches their self or you scratch your baby's face - youre not a terrible parent and its usually no reason to panic. Kids bounce! How can I prevent my baby from scratching their face? Clean the cat scratch or bite immediately with soap and water. You didn't mean to and trust me your baby has already forgotten it even happened :) I'd just wash it if it broke skin she'll be fine :) You're a good mama. My baby scratched her face with her nail 6 weeks ago. Because really, how could you have let your childs fingernails get so razor sharp that they could draw blood from their own face? My daughter also got pushed down the stairs by another little girl. So, we did a bath, made it dim, read stories, sang a song(so far so good), and then put her in her crib. :). Why is my baby scratching his face? Personally, this is not one I would use on my little ones face although it does have some great qualities such as flexibility, clear coated appearance, and is completely waterproof. We all feel bad about it. Are you worried they will scar? Or is your baby scratching their face at night? no it will be fine. My friends dog but their baby for taking his food and he still has a scar - I would definitely get rid of an animal for that but they kept him! Accidents will happen all the time, and at the age of your baby, it really is just starting. Also, babies can be quite clumsy: their arms flail around, they still dont have full control of their hands so its really easy for them to hit themselves in the face. How to trip you baby's nails. if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mamapedia_com-banner-1-0')};Everyone's been there - and everyone feels awful. Cuddle her a little more than normal, more to heal your own hurt than hers, but don't worry about it. It's okay, it was an accident. it won't be the last time you hurt your baby on accident! And then when you realise that big, bleeding scratch came about from their own fingernails? baby its cold outside: How to protect your babys skin in winter. My son scratched his face with his fingernail by accident and we did not want that to leave a scar. She'll be fine. Simply clean and cover, but avoid using cotton wool as the fluff can get stuck in the wound. Please do not take this the wrong way, it's a scratch. You can put some neosporin on it IF it gets red and puffy. Don't feel like a horrible mommy. oops, we forgot the sleep sack. so much for the soothing routine! Cat is an indoor cat and up to date with vaccines etc. If your baby scratches himself even though you cut or file his nails, you first have to wash his hands and face thoroughly with mild unscented soap. I don't think you even need to put anything on it. If you're worried, wash it with her baby soap. just apologize, and give her lots of hugs and kisses! so smile your not the only one who does it. For my full disclosure policy click here. Natalie H(494) 1/17/2014 at 11:41 AM. If you found our baby face scratches article helpful, then why not check out our other articles on subjects like baby heat rash and diaper rash over on Parenting Community. It made me feel so much better. Cancel out the fear. Once I was breastfeeding when she was 4 months old and I grab a phone call .I drop my cell phone on her head!! 1) Baby Centre. Read the labels of everything first. I was so distracted by my daughter's first smile that I caught some skin between the snaps of her outfit! what do you need to know about caring for your babys skin? WaterWipes (USA) Inc., he had trouble, so i grabbed this little light up clock and held it over. My lo's scratches have all been surface scratches and go away within a day or so (once on her face and maybe twice on her arm). Whether the animal is a family pet (in kids, most animal bites that are reported are from dogs) or a creature from the wild, scratches and bites can carry disease. As the scratch heals over, a scab often forms to protect the open skin below. It's good that you love her so much to feel bad for an innocent accident. maybe not scratch butsomething else. I do worry whether old ladies on the bus will judge me if my daughter has a wolverine scratch across her cheek, says dad, Luke. Had good look in eye and can't see any signs if scratch. Just give her some love! if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mamapedia_com-large-leaderboard-2-0')};Don't beat yourself up over this! My cat scratched my babies face! There is a known risk of them sitting on a baby's face and smothering them. Michigan Couple Says They Caught a Ghost on Nanny Cam After Finding Scratches on Baby's Face this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. It scratched Available at: The fact that you feel so guilty is proof that you are not a horrilbe mommy. It will be ok. Nothing like this has happened before. 10 answers / Last post: 1/17/2014 at 7:56 PM. Available at: One of the most frustrating situations any parent can be faced with is a 3 weeks ago I couldn't even bring my brand new baby girl outside without her having an itchy and painful severe allergic reaction. Most of these injuries can be handled at home with simple first-aid treatment. Was it a ghost or was it a neighborhood predator intent on abusing the child? It's not uncommon for a baby to accidentally scratch their face. I had something in my hand the other day and my 2 yr old was behind me and when I turned I popped him in the head. 6.5 month old scratched this morning by our cat. we bought dermalmd scar serum right anyway with same day shipping and it works. 8. Does anyone know if She's not bleeding and she'll never remember it Just mommy's heart is bruised. They should heal by themselves in a matter of days. Peeling or picking at the scabs might be tempting, but it slows the healing process and leads to scarring when you don't allow the skin cells to generate and heal. Cuts and Wounds of the Face. To treat shallow cuts and wounds: Calm your child and let him or her know you can help. I cut my nails this morningthey were good and jaggedand my baby (6 weeks and 4 days old) became hungry right after. It will be fine, maybe put a little antibiotic cream on it. This post may contain affiliate links. Its humiliating to have to say, "oh when we were both 3, my sister playfully scratched my face. They should heal by themselves in a matter of days and your baby's face will go back to normal. And keep an emery board with you so you can keep your nails smooth at all time. Its important to keep babys nails as short as possible, and if your baby is frequently scratching themselves (at night if they have eczema for instance) look into purchasing some scratch mittens to keep their nails covered up. Thanks in advance Chetna - BabyCenter India You look at your baby and see it: a bright red scratch on their face. I should have just let it fall out on it's own or waited for Daddy to do it :(. Your doing great! Last accessed 5th May 2021. Did you ever think we could love our kids soooooooo much ;). it is about 95% gone. It scratched her (but it isn't bleeding), and made her cry. Neosporin or aloe vera (the slimy stuff from the real plant). Cuts and grazes. USA / CANADA As much as it fills us with horror to see even a trace of blood on our babys face, the NHS advise that most small cuts and grazes can usually be treated at home. Learn about why this happens and what you can do about your baby scratching their face. Helps with baby acne too! That's all she wants in this world! Need some advice. Seeing Lilys face with the scratches was so bizarre and frightening, Heather said. I cut my nails this morningthey were good and jaggedand my baby (6 weeks and 4 days old) became hungry right after. If it makes you feel any better, I accidentally cut my baby's finger with the nail clippers, FIVE different times! I never knew how scary motherhood could be! We decided to put in place a great, soothing bedtime routine. It is not bleeding and doesn't need anything, it will heal on it's own.
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