(PDF Format Only) 6/23/2010 6:17:45 PM. For a number of years I over seeded portions of my own domestic lawn in Durban in winter with cool season grasses to maintain a lush green lawn in … Lawn Disease & Weeds & Control > Types of Lawn Weeds; A Guide to the Most Common Lawn Weeds. I have also cared for lawn for commercial clients in South Africa, Germany and New Zealand over a period of over 40 years. Lantana. greenwayslandscaping.ca/8-most-common-weeds-infesting-your-lawn The only disadvantage to kikuyu is that it can’t handle shaded or semi-shaded areas. Most chemicals are available from hardware stores and nurseries to help you eradicate pests, weeds and diseases, but if your own attempts fail to deliver results, it may be a good idea to get a professional company like Lawn Pro in to help you. Below are some common lawn weeds and how to get rid of them. Where it grows: Shady lawn, landscape, or garden areas. Paspalum. Kikuyu is the most commonly found lawn type in South Africa and is a great choice for a family lawn in sunny areas. Common Weeds of Louisiana Lawns and Landscapes. Wait just until weeds that can simply be pulled out grow large enough to get a good grip on, but tackle them before their roots are too embedded in the ground. It includes the more common and troublesome weeds of cultivated lands, gardens, roadsides and waste places. Khaki Bur Weed. Fleabane (Flaxleaf Fleabane) Common Morning Glory. Simply mix the concentrate with water, fill your tank sprayer and start eliminating your unwanted weeds forever. Giant Ragweed (Ambrosia trifida) It's not for nothing that this plant is named, "giant ragweed." This complex weed attacks from underground with a … The leaves are very fleshy and contain a sticky latex when broken. Garlon 4. Creeping Sorrel. A beautiful lawn not only enhances the appearance of your home, but has many other advantages like preventing soil erosion and providing a welcome environment on which children can play and families relax. © Copyright Roundup 2021. A common perennial weed throughout South Africa, it is a weak competitor but can be particularly troublesome in lawns. Paspalum. since 1989. However, invading weeds can spoil the appearance and evenness of lawns. Ronald Strahan. Learn about how to control the most common lawn weeds. Need a FREE QUOTE? Professional Industrial Pest and Weed Control Services. Treatment. We supply herbicides and weed control services to both the industrial and residential sectors. Here are some common weeds you may encounter, and how they should be treated. It has been completely revised, the nomenclature brought up to date, some species omitted and new ones added. All rights reserved.Design and development by HROC - Web Design, Monsanto South Africa (Proprietary) Limited. Easy control is either manual selection with hand removal or painting a general-purpose non-selective herbicide like a Glyphosate base product. Control: Mulch garden areas in spring to prevent it; pull plants by hand or spray with a … It does contain oxalates, but the good seems to outweigh the bad. Registration number: 1968/001485/07 *Use weedkillers safely. Weeds may be green, but they are plants growing where they’re not wanted within your lawn. It looks a bit like your lawn but is a brighter colour and has thinner, taller blades. Because it grows a lot quicker than other grasses like buffalo or kikuyu, it becomes unsightly, forming patches of bright green grass with small white flowers. The concentrate comes with a specially designed dosage cap for mixing, and a detailed mixing guide is available. Refers to herbicide that is applied to perennial weed plants once they have started to grow after seed germination. During winter the conditions are ideal for this grass to flourish. Bull Thistle. Go to the Bull Thistle page. This weed is widespread throughout South Africa and is very difficult to control. common in south africa, thus interfering with the crime of the ability of another person. Dandelions are prevalent all year round and young plants are easy to control with post-emergence herbicide, but become more difficult to control once established due to their strong taproots. The foam setting on the Roundup 1 Litre spray can stop this weed in its tracks by clinging to the weed and absorbing to the root without being spread around the surrounding flower bed or lawn. A lot of people see it as therapeutic to spend hours removing weeds from their lawn by hand, but this is not always the most efficient way. Here are some tips for getting rid of weeds: When they grow in paving or cracks along the ground they’re easier to remove than when in a bed or lawn. Lantana. Types of herbicide used for weed control in South Africa. Nutsedge. Treatment: Use herbicides containing dicamba, 2,4-d or MCPA. The best way to treat a problem in lawns is to identify it as early as possible. Weeds can be removed most efficiently by using a selective herbicide, which will kill the broadleaf weeds and not your lawn. Gauteng: 012 566 3315 - Western Cape: 082 622 1108 . Common Dubbeltjie. Treatment: Spray with a herbicide containing bendioxide or halosulfuron. This is a common perennial weed in South Africa with a strong taproot and a rosette of toothed leaves. Very common in lawns but seldom found in sugarcane fields. … In the case of a established Kikuyu, LM and other creeping grass types Versus would be the smarter choice. It is susceptible to diseases in shady and wet areas. Alien Invasive Plants List For South Africa. Treatment: Spray with a herbicide containing foramsulfuron or propyzamide. Dandelion This is a common perennial weed in South Africa with a strong taproot and a rosette of toothed leaves. They usually occur when you have poor drainage, frequent irrigation or when the sprinklers are leaking. Your options include warm season grasses and cool season grasses. Once the problem is there and does not receive proper treatment it will just get worse. Buckhorn Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) (Also called buck plantain, English plantain, narrow-leaved … For the control of American bramble (rubus... See Product. Just give them a yank or use a small fork. Taraxacum officinale (Dandelion) High in vitamin A, this plant is much desired by all species of tortoises and even some water turtles. Follow these tips to get rid of weeds in your lawn so you can spend less time on in the dirt and more time enjoying a weed-free lawn: Most of your lawn includes weed seeds – they just haven’t germinated yet. There are many types of weeds. ×. SANA is a member-driven, non-profit organisation, which strives to promote gardening as a hobby in South Africa for ALL South Africans. It clumps together and will develop seeds at the tips if left too long. Khaki Bur Weed. Appearance: Groundcover with heart-shape leaves and purple flowers in late spring. Canada Thistle. Size: 6 inches tall, 6 inches wide. Facebook Twitter. Bugleweed Ajuga reptans. Winter Grass grows in the cooler months. Pest and Vegetation Management. This product is especially well suited to new and soft lawn types that are non-creeping. Treatment: Spray with a herbicide containing dicamba, 2,4-D or MCPA. Just like our hair requires regular trims in order to keep it healthy, … Use this poster to help you identify common weeds infesting your lawn and landscape. It can … 10: 524]. Make mulch your friend. It is easily spread by the seeds that are blown around by even the slightest breeze, up to several hundred meters from their source. Annual Bluegrass. Don’t pull it! Removing the weed by hand is not that effective and the easiest way to eradicate it is by means of a herbicide. A lawn weed with slender stems that creep horizontally and trifoliate leaves along the stems. enquiry@megatrax.co.za. The reality is that foreign big-name strains like Cheese (or as some of us might know it, ‘kaas’), Haze and Kush are gaining popularity. Types of weeds Winter grass. Megatrax. Instead, it forms part of legal system called common law – which is the system of law that has been used to determine the outcomes of cases and case law. Latest revised edition 2019 – With Photographs for Easier Identification The most up to date, accurate user guide to Alien Invasive Plant Species in South Africa. It will just spread more! Annual weeds (weeds that grow from seed every year and die at the end of the growing season), and Perennial weeds (weeds that come back year after year). Stems are hairy…, Erect pale grey annual herb to 1 m high.…, A creeping perennial that is typically about 10 cm…, Prostrate herb with perennial root system and annual above…, A glaucous (blue-green) erect single to several stemmed annual…, Datura stramonium is an erect annual herb forming a…, This introduced annual plant forms a spreading mat up…, Gallant soldier is an annual warmth- and light- dependent…, Monsanto South Africa (Proprietary) Limited | Monsanto House Number 4, Fourways Office Park, Roos and Fourways Boulevard, Fourways, 1685. This is common in all areas of South Africa and grows in damp and shady areas. Common Dubbeltjie. The most common problem in lawns today comes from either insect like termites or mole crickets that eat your grass or weeds that are growing wildly across your lawn. Always read the label and product information before use. Trifolium spp (plain clover) This plant is a firm favourite amongst all species in South Africa. Types of Weed in South Africa Commonly Grown Outdoors. It has a hollow, single stem that bears one bright yellow flower. Dandelions are prevalent all year round and young plants are easy to control with post-emergence herbicide but become more difficult to control once established due to their strong taproots. Download pub3156WeedsOfLA85x11 / 0.20MB pub3156WeedsOfLAHIGHRES / 0.45MB Publication ID: 3156. Invest in the right lawn mower. A systemic emulsifiable concentrate shrub and tree killer. Yellow Nutsedge. The leaves, and sometimes petioles, In this article I’ll profile the most common lawn weeds within all four groups (both perennial and annual grass-like weeds, and perennial and annual broad-leaf weeds). Which Roundup. Avoid tilling your soil too often to avoid plopping these unseen weed seeds into fertile soil to keep more from popping up. Weed identification is an important step toward weed control. Our “visitor” of the month for October (not really a “gogga”) manifests itself in t he appearance of broadleaf weeds on the lawn, ... Life is a Garden is the marketing division of The South African Nursery Association (SANA). Yellow Nutsedge. Refers to herbicide that is applied in early spring and takes action before the weed seeds germinate and start to grow underground. Read about different lawn types, lawn pests and lawn diseases common to South Africa. Versus is a very broad spectrum herbicide and will be the … Clover is a small but fast-spreading weed, with delicate roots meaning it is very hard to eliminate by pulling up. This book is based on Weeds of South Africa by E. P. Phillips, published in 1938 [see H.A. If you have this problem, then you’ll note small clumps of grass that appear on bald spots or lawn edges. Kikuyu is the most popular of the warm season grasses, followed by LM lawn, buffalo lawn and cynodon – these grow best in sunny areas, are more tolerant of traffic and are easy to establish and maintain. It has a hollow, single stem that bears one bright yellow flower. This species is probably indigenous to southern Africa. It produces small yellow flowers in clusters of one to six. Symptoms . In South Africa, criminal law has not yet been codified under a single piece of legislation. There are many broadleaf weeds in South Africa. Weeds can take any form and can vary depending on where they grow and typically produce large numbers of seeds, assisting their spread. Roundup Concentrate allows you to mix as much or as little of this potent pesticide as you need at any given time depending on your project. Legal advice regarding a few examples of law in south africa, it is not intended to make the crime within. Nutsedges are common weeds that thrive in waterlogged soil. This crime of common law in south africa, what are about to make the ability of court. Fleabane (Flaxleaf Fleabane) Common Morning Glory. It grows rapidly and reproduces by means of tubers (nuts), rhizomes and seeds. At Lawn Addicts, we specialise in weed identification and can help recommend the best herbicides and lawn care products for warm and cool season grass weeds.. Blooms with small yellow flowers containing only 5…, Is an herbaceous annual twining climber. Drimiopsis maculata DRIMA* This is a bulbous plant with lily-like features. It is a competitive weed and gives off a toxin that suppresses the growth of surrounding plants. Cirsium arvense. This is a common perennial weed in South Africa with a strong taproot and a rosette of toothed leaves. Annual broadleaf weeds like the common Black jack and Marigold that appear on lawns can be easily controlled with Protek Pure lawn. Below are some common lawn weeds and how to get rid of them. Which Roundup. Creeping Sorrel. The weed’s abundant seed heads allow for easy dispersion of the grass. This plant can easily become rampant in …
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