Google is a wonderous adventure for finding all one needs to know as a Herp Keeper(one who keeps reptiles). thanks! This is a way to cool off while directly under the basking bulb. We recently moved to a new house and I am not sure if that has something to do with it or not. It’s up to you to figure out whether that cost is acceptable. Some are more timid than others. I believe my dragon is a girl and we got her 2 yrs ago, she hasn’t shown any signs of laying until now maybe and we are still questioning if she will because she hasn’t eaten in weeks, shes been in her warm rock and just stays there. He temp is 80 degrees during the with a heat lamp and uvb lamp. He did this several more times (on his basking log, trying to climb into his water bowl etc) and I had to quickly reach in and help. How to Create Proper Basking and Cooling Zones for a Bearded Dragon. It’s probably just a sign of him having issues with what he’s been feed whether or not it was editable for him(which I assume it was editable because you’d be pretty experienced to have him for over 10 yrs), or if it was him just not liking the food or being spoiled into always eating another food, or it could just be a issue with him possibly getting choked on a piece of the food or indigestion. Can I treat it until she can see a vet in a couple days? does anyone know what they might be? These signs could give clues as to any unhealthy conditions the bearded dragon is going through. Give the bearded dragon a bath in clean, dechlorinated water at least once a week. Wooden terrarium (wood and glass) Wooded bearded dragon cages are very popular, especially in the UK and in the showroom. Also, the inside of her mouth has always been kind of yellow and I’m not sure if that’s healthy, as we bought her from a ” dodgy ” shop. Mid summer, he stopped eating and stopped pooping, and got very lethargic. Help!! Sadly he does have a lettuce fetish. We have given him water by dropper and baths. I just got back from the vet. Other then that, he is adventurous, chases the cat and all. Would it be safe to use two lights? The part sticking inbetween his tail may be a new one that was unable to complete the process due to the fact that the tail was not completely removed. We got two bearded dragons from a friend of mine. Stuck shed? I have bathed it in some water, and it sometimes opens up. Could this be respiratory infection? For hours, I have to check to make sure shes not dead. But be very careful to watch for mouth gaping for long periods of time or if for some reason they dart to one side of the cage and is breathing heavy, these could be signs of them being too hot, considering they are healthy. There was no reptile specialist at the vet so not much help there however he has calmed down now mouth has closed lump is gone and he is walking although he is walking funny as if it is difficult. I would do reserch on the eati g though. It's instinctual for them. Thanks. I just bought two dragons from craigslist and they had a burnt out uv light and a borderline burnt out heat bulb that was set up incorrectly. Hope she gets better, Sometimes they brumate (hibernate). Yesterday we were finally able to properly equip them though my situation is kind of difficult to tell if they’re healthy. I found this pretty informative actually. It may also choose to puff and darken its beard if it feels threatened, isn't feeling well, or if it is trying to display dominance (often done during mating season to impress the ladies). You should also mist her several times per day using a misting bottle (spray bottle). I took her to our usual pet store a while back to get food for her, and one of the employees said she was on the skinny side. …she is a great eater. it may not be nothing but just curious , I came down stairs last night & it was laying awkwardly with his eyes half open and his mouth open a little but and there was just no life in her , but she kept opening her mouth then she eventually passed away I left her in the cage , I came down this morning & she was the same as I left her then later on in the afternoon she had gone all puffy , I’m just wondering would you know what has happend. He feels quite cold to touch ,not very responsive . Looking at the poop and the poop habit is a good bearded dragon body language to indicate their health. Please get back to me ASAP, your help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. The second time a few weeks later they did blood work. I was with my fancy bearded dragon Cherry who is at least a year old and he ate a little piece of apple with skin on it, I know bearded dragons aren’t supposed to have apple skins, but I don’t know if it is harmful. Always remove uneaten feeders after 15 – 20 minutes after feeding. By move the plant do you mean take it out or move it to the cool end, also I rearanged the tank, how does this look? If your snake had the same thing and died shortly after, you posting this instead of GOING TO A VET IS ABUSE!!!! Or should I say, Toothless’s case) But, the same orange color exists very close to his lips in little dots and stripes, which I think is natural. Monitor her feeding and overall activity levels. Not wanting to give up on her , but she’s not looking good . i have an old Beardie and he lives in a very red tinted environment but recently he started shedding and the new scales are really grey and look nothing like the environment. I’ve had my bearded dragon for about 2 years and it hasn’t grown at all, It has mouth rot and has lumps all over, It won’t eat and only opens one eye): It also just lays there and does nothing. Sunken eyes may be the result of a possible infection, or dehydration. I think you could sort of compare it to someone trrying to look into the back of their skull. Or… You could have meant black spots on the head and orange on mouth just meant coloring.. I paid nearly $400 total to find out that she had no blockages and all her levels in her blood were normal. It’s very difficult to nail down what the possible cause of death was without a medical examination. Learn how to manage stress in beardies. And within the last week or so he seems a little lethargic, and almost..depressed. It worries me and I’ve been looking for an answer for a long while now. At times it even looks like the dragon is dancing, however, it can be erratic, confusing, and even dangerous for them. It seems adding a buddy for him helped. Sand in digestion + Not Able to Digest Sand = Impactation (humans call it constipation) get that dragon to a vet ASAP and maybe find a more suitable human with intelligence to do some research before getting one; or maybe go spend these next few months RESEARCHING AND LEARNING BEFORE YOU KILL THAT CREATURE. Thank you, Hello I have a giant be r landed dragon he is just over 9 years old. I might have to go and check up with a veterinarian as soon as possible to get him checked out, but still. You can read more about temps here –, You should also make sure the bearded dragon is receiving sufficient UVB/UVA radiation. Give him food that will be easily swallowed. No idea what it is, but very concerned due to he has never been ill! He has a sun lamp and night lamp on a timer, newspaper as substrate, plenty of water, huge tank- maybe 50 gallon? He’s never been this way before and I’m worried. Check the habitat temperatures to make sure they are in the proper ranges for the age of bearded dragon you have. I’ve got a zoo med 100w basking lamp and a reptisun 13w 10.0 uvb bulb. I’ve taken a right shine to him and have named him Stan . It’s easy to keep the tank clean and our beardy doesn’t mind it. Always monitor temperatures to make sure they are not too low or too high. He became more active, and within a month he started shedding. When we first got him he was going almost every single day….NOW nothing!!! The minimum basking temp for an adult is 95 while I wouldn’t even go under 105 for the young ones. Check to make sure a bearded dragon you intend to purchase always has clear, bright, and alert eyes. Reduce the amount of crickets as they can sometimes be difficult to digest and increase the amount of small Dubia roaches. ReptiCarpet is great because it can be machine washed, vaccumed and wiped. Its a living breathing creature of creation.. What is wrong with you primitive primates, do you not value anythings life but your own? Does anybody know what it is, I have a 3-4 month old dragon (Reesh) he is super happy, active, eats well and loves to come out and play. I noticed four days ago that his pinky on his right hand was very puffy. And then I read that they do that before or after they shed my beardie is now one but he doesn’t do that any more, this list is bs. Enjoy a few fun activities with the bearded dragon while outside the terrarium. Add a under tank heater to warm the substrate, if necessary. Eyes and all else seems fine. If you’re thinking about getting a bearded dragon and you want some info feel free to give me your email and I can email you a thing I did on my tablet for beardies. I am no expert, but have a child of my own, little Bond, James Bond; but by the date of your post I would have to assume that it was brumation. I’ve noticed his tail is getting ready for a shed and the nose also. I upped the amount of food she eats. He doesn’t move almost at all in his tank, being held or on the floor out of his tank. You may often see Bearded Dragons looking like they are trying to climb glass, this is called ‘glass surfing’ and there are many reasons why they can perform this behaviour. Also need to make sure habitat is big enough for activities. she just hides. I make sure she has fresh water and a bowl of snacks (greens, fruit, pellets, etc.) Well, when a creature needs 95-110°, at less than a year old they need about 105-115°, and you got your tank at 80-90°, I would not be surprised if the little one is malnurished; please get a check up at the nearest vet. He is around 2 ft. which is triple size he was when we got him and has gotten completely healthy and eats about 50-100 crickets once a week with a mixture of kale, squash, and change of a dab of treat (strawberries, bananas, or blackberries) about twice a week. Guys, I need help. You mentioned sand so my best guess would be possible impaction, especially if your beardie was a baby or juvenile. and instead of shedding in the ways i mentioned, only about half an inch of his tail is shedding an the right side of his torso. If you can’t afford what a creature needs don’t take on the responsibility. Always supply adequate UV radiation exposure using a Repti Glo 10.0 fluorescent bulb or equivalent. He’s in a 20L tank. Last night I got him a friend. I would recommend replacing the Repti-Sand with a reptile carpet that you described. Could someone please help me!? I was so scared. For the past 2 weeks or so she won’t eat anything at all. A possible neurological disorder could also result in jerky, shaky behavior. Erica is correct, lower the humidity NOW. About 90-100 in the tank during the day – when I get home from work he’s already sleeping on his hammock…he seems to be up and about during the 9AM – 1PM hours. Go slow, and make sure he sees your hand before it touches him. This condition should be seen by a reptile veterinarian immediately to be tested for Metabolic Bone Disease. If it is impacted, what can I do about that? If you are worried about the skin not coming off, dont PULL the skin, but rub him/her a bit more, not rough, get those molecules moving and separated though. He’s been sleeping a lot and today i found him sleeping under the newspaper at the bottom of his tank. Try giving her a luke warm bath a couple times per day. HELP!!!! They could be defensiv about their territory. :0. But ever since Sunday her eyes have been swollen and her eyes are closed all the time. Noticed last week a loss of appetite didn’t want to eat anything so we decided to get a bigger terririum for him no he’s in a 40 gallon tank but he started eating again and now I noticed that his front right limb he limps to walk. February will be 1 year I’ve had her. She doesn’t eat her fruits and veggies but she’ll eat the crickets and superworms. When he does he either drinks in the bath or I have to spray water in his mouth. Give your beardie a lot of time to get used to you. As for the lethargic ways, it was February when asking the question. Allow some time for your bearded dragon to adjust, and provide a hide box so that he/she will have a bit of shelter for security. Glass enclosures are the best bearded dragon terrariums, but sometimes the glass is too thick and reflective. that doesn’t seem normal. He has not liked any other fruit or veggie offered. How else do you think they keep those eggs alive in Aussi? You can also use reptile carpet. But today she went a few good minutes without any sign of movement of the lungs… I laid her on my stomach (her belly face up) to see if she would open her eyes and roll back over. Other suggestions? I really don’t want anything bad to happen to my best friend. By having a front opening screen you are outweighing one of the downsides of having a fish tank. He’s been off his food recently too! Both temperatures and proper radiation can affect appetite. She hasn’t pooped but she still been eating I feed her around 10 to 20 meal worms to roaches, she doesn’t like crickets not sure why. I can’t take him to the vet because my mother won’t allow me and says that lizards don’t need to be taken to the vet, I don’t have enough money to take him either, I’m just very worried about him. In the mean time the best advice I can give is to give him warm baths a couple times per day and limit his food to soft foods that are easily digestible like finely chopped fruits and worms such as wax worms and Goliath worms. I would recommend monitoring her closely the next couple days and administer the baths, misting, and rehydration. Hey, my beardie is just really cold towards me even though I give here every thing she needs, and she just doesn’t seem to like me, can you please tell me how to make her love me? Try not to approach ur dragon from above, he’ll instinctively feel like prey and become defensive. Last night I fed her a couple crickets and this morning there is a dead cricket in a puddle of something.. I’m not sure if she puked or pooped … it did not digest at all!!
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